Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mount Mee - the pancake run

Today Si and I woke early.... another beautiful day! Why don't we go for a drive??

In the car we got and headed for Mount Mee....

The first stop would be Woodford for breki, it took about 1h 15mins to get there but boy was it worth it!.... A recommendation had been made to have breki at a little cafe called Jallas, but not just a normal breki...... it was THE breki!

In we trundled.... STARVING, Si was suffering from a bit too much the night before syndrome so he was in desperate need for a hearty breakfast! No need to look at the menu as we already knew what we were going to have...."The Jallas Breakfast" now are you ready for this???? "The Jallas Breakfast" consisted of the following ingredients:

2 x Pancakes
Lashings of maple syrup over the pancakes
2 x rashers of bacon (on the pancakes)
2 x Eggs (On the pancakes)
1 small ball of churned butter (also on the pancakes)

Yes I know this does not sound right, but unless you have tried it.... don't knock it! We had never had this before, but so many people recommended it.... we just had to give it a go!

IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO NICE! yes I said SOOOOOOOOOOOO NICE! we ate every last scrap!

Right after this hearty breki we needed a snooze! so headed up the mountain (Mount Mee) where we took in the lovely views before laying on the grass under a great big tree....ahhhhh relax.........

It seemed a popular spot for motorbike riders, Si was livid that he did not have his! (still in storage)every winding corner we turned in the car was followed by "now if I just had my bike" and "oh sigh.... this bend would be awesome on my bike" Awwww bless him......

Any way back to the trip...... after about 2 hours, we decided to head down the other side of the mountain and into a village called Dayboro here we popped in to a Tea/Coffee shop for a cuppa and cake mmmmmmmmmmm Si had a lovely Cafe Late' with a huge slice of extremely rich vanilla cheesecake and I had a pot of tea (made with proper tea leaves) and a huge slice of lemon pie mmmmmmmmmmmm my mouth is watering as I write this!!!!

After we headed home...... on the way back we decided to pop in to a bottle shop for some bevvis and a present for Amanda (one of our friends here on Aus) it was her Birthday and we were invited over for the evening....

We decided to go to a bottle shop, which some people had recommended as cheap and lots of variety... (over here in Aus, you can not get alcohol from your local shop or supermarket, it has to be from a actual licensed bottle shop (they even have drive thru's!)). Any way, after taking half hour to find the bloomin place and then another half hour trying to park.... we finally got what we needed and headed off to Amanda's and Dan's (her man).

On arriving, there an aroma of cooked meat was wafting through the house.....Dan had put on a spit roast of pork mmmmmmmm there it was rotating over flames...... man did it taste good when it was cooked! well I tell ya.... they know how to have a party.....they have even built a little bar area on their deck to which homed a few bottles of Bundy!

Over all it was a splendid we need to go for a run to burn all the pancakes, cake etc... off ha ha ha

Sorry there are no photo's as the camera has decided it does not want to work any more boo hoo........ I am sure we will do this all again tho so plenty time for pics in the future.....

Ahhhhhh and rest........ xx