Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dream World

Today Jade and I took a trip to Dream World, while poor Si worked.... ahhhhhhh.....

We got there early to miss the cues, but alas we forgot it is not like Alton Towers, and that there were none.... oops..... anyway here ya go....

We both checked out a few of the rides..... the first one to go on was the drop..... it is a bit like the play station where you all sit and it takes you up slowly.... up up and farther up and then waits until you are least expecting it..... and then drops..... arrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

tee hee.... then we had a couple of silly pics taken.....

Then it was some more rides.... and then to feed the animals....

we even visited the tigers.....

Then we came accross some Crocs... now there was something not quite right about this picture.....

Can you guess what it was???.................

Well let me tell you if you have not already guessed!!!..... if you look closer you can see an object by the side of it......

A little pink thing..... yes a dummy..... a todler dummy...... now does that not worry you what they feed these crocs for breakfast?????

We quickly left that one .... but we were not quick enough....!

tee hee lucky this one is fake.... but the one with the dummy was not..... errrrrrrr quick ruuuuuun x