Monday, April 14, 2008

A Stroll

While Si was at work, I went to join a agency so I can start working ASAP!!!! then I went for a strolland took a few more pictures.

This is a picture of Brisbane city taken from Southbank, and also a picture of the City Cat, which can take you everywhere! its prity fast too!


This picture is of the Suncorp Plazza, my dad would love it here as it is all open and when there is nothing going on eg shows etc... then the public can use it! you see kids doing break dancing and people practicing circus skills... there are loads of lights and a awsome sound system!

Then I did a bit of sunbathing on the man made beach.

After catching afew rays, I met up with Si and we caught the train home. The first thing to do was to contact Auto-trader as they were not allowing me to advertise my car on-line due to me being here. (They were happy to do it over the phone, but not on-line....strange....). Any way it has now been advertised and Si's dad Noel has informed me that he has 4 people interested alredy! it has only been advertised a couple of hours!) ....

Phew what a hard day............ better get some sleep..... yawn...........

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