Saturday, October 4, 2008


Today we went to Stanthorpe with some friends, Sean and Lynn... we also met some more people who have quickly become our friends... Wayne and Maraid....

Stanthorpe is about a 3 hr drive from Brisbane and is well known for its wineries... we stayed in a lvely cabin in the woods....

Here is a pic of Si and I having a beer and just chilling out!

First thing on a morning there were Kangaroos hopping about, but we missed them boo hoo.....

We did a bit of wine tasting mmmmm bought a lit of wine, then went to a Greek festival.....

Here Si tried to scare me by saying that there was a spider!

Then this is the pic we should have taken x

Here are Sean and Lynn enjoying a bit of wine tasting!

and wayne and Maraide...

We also went to a place where there were some lovely birds.... these birds are everywhere, but it is very rare you get to be this close!

And here we are messing about at the gREEK festival!

Well I wont go on... as you can proably guess..... the night went on and we all got a wee bit drunk! xx

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