Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Las Vegas - Day 3

Today Jenna and I headed for the Grand Canyon!

First of all and early start!

We got on the lovely air conditioned bus where we were first taken to the Las Vegas sign...

Vivaaaaaa Las Vegas da da da da da da daaaaaa

After this stop we had breaky on the bus which consisted of a HUGE muffin the size of my head! This was to prepare us for the day ahead!

Next stop Hoover Dam!

After this we drove down Route 66

Before finally reaching ......

The Grand Canyon!

I have one word... WOW!

One of the most amazing places I have ever seen..... I did not really know what to expect and to be honest I thought "what is the big deal... its only a cliff!" I was wrong.... this goes on for miles and miles and really is a wonder.  BEAUTIFUL

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