Monday, November 29, 2010

Another Suprise

I got to work today to find that Ruth & Brian have sent me a gift for mi Birthday! Ruth & Brian moved to Australia a couple of months before we did and Ruth and I used to work at RSL Care together! However They have now headed back home as they have decided that they missed the snow, wind and rain......

Thanks Ruth & Brian! I love Lush and especially the Snow Fairy! Well remembered, they don't have it over here in Brisbane yet. I think it only comes out at Christmas time...... I may have to stock up!

Then When I got home I had another 2 packages waiting on the doorstep!

These are from my lovely friends Steph and Rach! THANKS!

They told me not to forget my roots ha ha ha.... good old Yorkshire crisps,  a Yorkshire pen, bottle opener, snow globe and postcard all with the York Minster on ha ha I love them! As you can see the snow globe is now on the fridge! What a awesome present! Oh and I almost forgot the chocolate.... it was melted but tasted like English chocolate should yuuuummmmyyyyyyyy xxx

Then I opened my other parcel.....

Tee hee..... from the Grange Girls!!!!! I love it! Straight away Sy made room on the shelf in the living room for it! Now I need to come up with a name......... oooohhhhh made me feel a bit home sick as I do really miss all my family and friends boo hoo...... just what I needed a BIG HUG!

Again from the Grange Girls!!! A beautiful Pandora charm! THANKS! This has gone straight on my bracelet and when I am out with a glass of vino in my hand, I will look at my charm, close my eyes and think of you all..... Cheers xxx

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