Sunday, August 15, 2010

Las Vegas - Last couple of days....

Well what could we do after all that fun but relax and pamper a hangover by the pool :)

These 2 buildings are crazy!

A light bite!

A bit of France

Yes these places I am showing are casinos and Hotels!

A yard of cocktail yum yum!!!

Can you tell Jade enjoyed it!

In-fact we all enjoyed it!

I know this is a bad photo but I needed to show one of us making a buck

And here is the evidence! Gamma won a black chip!

This is the fountain shown in The Hangover at Caesars Palace!

Breakfast the next day before the flight home.... phew sooooo full!

A view of LA from the plane! quite cool I thought 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Las Vegas - Day 5 (Jade and Larry's BIG day)

Well today is the whole reason for this trip! To watch this wonderful woman get married to a wonderful guy!

We all went for Breakfast at Planet Hollywood (all you can eat) Jade ate about 5 plates ha ha I was worried that she was not going to fit into her dress!

After Breakfast we headed to the salon where Jade Gemma and I all had our hair done! The lady who was doing it actually styles hair for all the rich and famous! one of them being Catherine Zeta Jones! So we did feel like stars!

However she was sooooo laid back that it got to where we had 30 mins to get ready and she still had not finished!.... but she did do an awesome job and she also did the eye makeup for Jade too! So off we ran with 20 mins to get ready!

And phew she made it!

What a beautiful wedding! It was held at Mandalay Bay, which is huge! They have a part that is blocked off, which made they ceremony so private.... it was right at the bottom of 2 waterfalls and what a perfect setting this was!

After the vows were made and they were both Husband and Wife off they went to have their pictures taken.... well it was an opportunity for Larry to show off his gorgeous wife! She looked a stunner!

Well apart from this..... ha ha

After photos we all headed to the Reef, which was also in Mandalay Bay! This was great but what was even better was that we all got to fin the walk with a cocktail! yum yum....

Then it was time for dinner! First the speeches!

Jades dad! Can you tell she is loving every moment!

Here is a close up! Ha ha

Then time for Larry aahhhhhh
We all got some lovely favors including some poker chips to gamble with!

po po po po po po po poker face!

Then came the alcohol.....

What a classy woman ha ha

Then a trip up the elevator to the rooftop club!! and I must say what a view and what a way to top off a fabulous day!

Night night!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Las Vegas - Day 4

Today is the day before Jade and Larry get married! So what best to do but have a hen do!

Now this had to be special..... we had chosen to take Jade to a pool party, but not just any pool party... the most exclusive pool party in Vegas! MGM Grand!

We got a great deal and drank plenty of cocktails and Bacardi yum yum while relaxing and chatting!

Now that was something you don't do every day!

All good things come to an end... but in this case it was going to carry on! We quickly headed back to the hotel to get changed (and I mean quickly) we only had 30 mins before we had to be at the restaurant ha ha


After I think we were all surprised as Laura had booked a huge pink hummer limo to pick us all up to take us to Thunder from Down Under..... (now this bit is classified ha ha)

 After all the awesome and exciting action we headed to the Coyote Ugly bar for some vodka shots and dancing on the bar! :)

 Jade was taking it easy.......

As you can see in the picture below.... all the Bra's on the roof..... they tried to get Jades but as she was wearing a white top and they had sprayed her with water she kept hold of it ha ha ha

We were all good ladies and made sure Jade was tucked up in bed by 1am as it is her big day tomorrow :)

Night night and off we skipped to our lovely hotel......

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Las Vegas - Day 3

Today Jenna and I headed for the Grand Canyon!

First of all and early start!

We got on the lovely air conditioned bus where we were first taken to the Las Vegas sign...

Vivaaaaaa Las Vegas da da da da da da daaaaaa

After this stop we had breaky on the bus which consisted of a HUGE muffin the size of my head! This was to prepare us for the day ahead!

Next stop Hoover Dam!

After this we drove down Route 66

Before finally reaching ......

The Grand Canyon!

I have one word... WOW!

One of the most amazing places I have ever seen..... I did not really know what to expect and to be honest I thought "what is the big deal... its only a cliff!" I was wrong.... this goes on for miles and miles and really is a wonder.  BEAUTIFUL