Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our NEW car!

Here are some pics of our new car! I cant belive we have new car! Its a Honda Civic type R. We are so not posh enough to have this car, its awsome!

I am so proud of Simon xx

xx I love it xx

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Yesterday Lynne passed away in her sleep. I only met her a couple of times but she was a kind and generous lady and that I will never forget.

I remember the day back in October 2007 when Annette took me to Lynne's as she was going to paint our nails, when we got there Lynne was not feeling very well but she insisted we stay and let her paint our nails! She made us some lovely tea, and did a marvelous job (even did our toes!)

Sleep well xx

 Lynne is the one having a dance.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sy at work

I have to put these on here, SI was at a celebration launch for some of the work they have done, well Si has only helped out a little as he has only just started (this is why it is so funny!)

Si looks like the boss in both pictures! ha ha haaaaa

His boss sent them to everyone and here is what he said!

"Get a load of this"

Picture 1:
 "Lord Lofty arrives at the Roma St site with his loyal subjects all looking in wonder at His royal highness."

Picture 2
"The photo should be ‘Roma St Site Commencement BBQ’, but looks more like ‘Lofty And His Mates’."

Crying out loud Lofty, you’ve only been in the country for a few months…."

See hi is making a good impression already!

A Stroll

While Si was at work, I went to join a agency so I can start working ASAP!!!! then I went for a strolland took a few more pictures.

This is a picture of Brisbane city taken from Southbank, and also a picture of the City Cat, which can take you everywhere! its prity fast too!


This picture is of the Suncorp Plazza, my dad would love it here as it is all open and when there is nothing going on eg shows etc... then the public can use it! you see kids doing break dancing and people practicing circus skills... there are loads of lights and a awsome sound system!

Then I did a bit of sunbathing on the man made beach.

After catching afew rays, I met up with Si and we caught the train home. The first thing to do was to contact Auto-trader as they were not allowing me to advertise my car on-line due to me being here. (They were happy to do it over the phone, but not on-line....strange....). Any way it has now been advertised and Si's dad Noel has informed me that he has 4 people interested alredy! it has only been advertised a couple of hours!) ....

Phew what a hard day............ better get some sleep..... yawn...........

Saturday, April 12, 2008

More fun!

Well today Si and I met up with one of Si's old mates who he met whilst traveling. His name is Callum, we met with him, his girlfiend, her son and his mate from Canada. What a great day! Ended up having a lovely meal, then we found that the place had a machanical bull ride (well we couldn't resist!)....


When we had finished, I ended up with a bump on the head and the biggest bruise EVER! on my knee!

Here are a couple of pictures of the people we were with, Callum races MX5's and said he will take us round the track next time there is a race day!!!!


Later on towards the evening, there was a bikini comp for Zoo magazine (kids gone home now of course), we had to stay as the men out-numbered the women! Towards the end they were giving out calenders and guess who jumped in there first but the one and only SIMON LOFT! ha! he had to go and have his photo taken with the girls (I think it is going to be published in the mag at some point). Well because Simon is sooooo kind, he ended up giving the calender to the guy above (the one with the kid on his shoulders) as he was single and Si thought it should cheer him up! awwwwww...... 

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Grandad xxx

While here in Brisbane, my Grandad passed away... I felt very helpless as I could not be there and be with my nanna and my family at such a sad time like this. I really wanted a hug, even though Si was there, it was not the same as a hug from my nanna and my family.....

My dad is a star! For my Grandad's funeral, he phoned me on his mobile using a special phone card so I could be there for the whole service! it was very emotional, but I am soooooo glad I could be a part of it.

Grandad is now with my mum, I bet she has been waiting for a good old drinking sesh! Here is a pic of my Grandad, he was the most wonderful person and I will miss him very much. xxx

Sam my cousin has been a saint! She has been looking after nanna and taking her to her favourite places xxx

Our House in Oz

Well we found a house in a place called Morningside, just outside of the city. It is a Queenslander with 3 bedrooms, its massive!


This is part of the back garden   and this too

The garden was abit over grown so I started to prune it and cut it all back, this is what I came across!!

Oh yes I pooed myself! I had seen some spiders but none like this! As you can guess, I stayed well away from it (well for a while any way, until I noticed that it had not moved.... so..... I got my long gardening sheers and poked it.... still no movement.... then........I did the unthinkable........

I picked it up with my sheers! well to my devastation it turned out to be a rubber spider! (yes I am glad it was a rubber spider, but not so glad that I spent two hours of my time hiding in a corner scared that it may jump out and eat me!!!

There are not many more pics I can show of our house yet as our things have not arrived from the UK so the house is very bare at the mo! We do however have a sofa and a huge fridge tho oh and Si has got a massive multi gym, but we have not put it together yet as we have no tools!

Happy times so far

We have not got up to much, but here are a few of the happy times we have had so far...

We went to watch the Brisbane Bronchos vs The Panthers at the Suncorp Stadium, the Bronchos won! Its was a awsome experience as I have never been to a stadium before...

Here is Si enjoying a beer!

and here is me enjoying a beer

and here are some people we met after the game!

We have also been able to borrow a ute for some weekends from Simon's work, it is like a tank!

Then there have been the times at Paul and Annettes house..... We had i night of wigs, it was a right laugh, some are quite scary of how real they look on us!