Monday, January 12, 2009

Road Trip - part 3

It was time to explore Sydney........ we went to Darling Harbour, the day started off cool but towards midday it started to hot up phew..... should not have worn jeans! Anyway we dd a bit of sight seeing.....

We got chance to board the HMAS Vampire, the former Royal Australian Navy destroyer..... here are a few pics....

Si with his BIG guns.....

Then it was time to board the Submarine HMAS Onslow..... wow you would not belive how cramped it was.......

Si could not resist!

It was awsome!!!!

After we took a trip up the big sky tower, here are a couple of pics of the viws....

the sight seeing did not stop there...... off we went to the Opera House..... WOW it was awsome.... here we were sat right outside by the harbour side with a refreshing glass of white wine mmmmmm unfortunately the camera broke after the picture of the harbour bridge so no photos of the Opera House I am afraid........ only the bridge!

After a relaxing afternoon it was back to the hotel to get changed and back out for a romantic meal...... Si tried to be a cheap skate and get takeaway noddles from a bus station!!!!!!! I soon put a stop to that! ha ha ha I hope he was kidding..... we ended up back at Darling Harbour where we went for italian by the sea...... it was lovely.... followed by some cocktails at some great bars/clubs..... what a way to end the day xx

Night night xx

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