Monday, January 12, 2009

Road Trip - Part 4

It was time to head back to Brisbane.... so off we headed to Bondi Beach..... this was a bit dissapointing but never the less we are glad we visited..... it was very busy and a bit run down....... we dd not stay here very long.... back on the road to Coffs Harbour..... this place was lovely..... we stayed in a great cabin in a place called Timber Town.... it has a spar how romantic! any way we headed off to the Harbour, here we has the good old faithfull fish and chips by the sea mmmmmmmmmmmm it was great!!!!

We stayed the night here, then the next day headed home..... I wish the trip lasted longer it was one of the best we have done here..... we are so glad we drove down and did not fly..... we would have missed out on soooooo much, I would recoment the drive to anyone!!!!


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