Sunday, February 3, 2008

A new adventure

Well here I am starting my blog, this was origionaly on LiveJournal, however it is soooooo slow and complicated I decided to move over to this! It links to my PC and to my on-line web albums in Picassa, which is great! so here we go! Happy Reading.......

Well its see ya soon to the family and frends and on to the plane we go..... we were pritty lucky as we met a lady who was a air hostess on our flight down to london (Si fixed her mp3 player) in return she put a note in to the hostesses on our London to Singapore flight to upgrade us.....

How exciting..... yes we were upgraded to business class! it was awsome, champers on arival and proper steak for tea! oohhh and not to forget the reclining seats! here are a few pics of this!

I did not dare take too many photos as there were a lot of posh people around tee hee (and we were tired)

It was like sleeping in your own bed! From Singapore to Brisbane tho, it all changed! boo hoo, we were reverted back to the common seats!

Once we arived in Brisbane it was straight to the Hotel and sleep..... the hotel was very posh too, we had our own apartment and a swimming pool! I dont think I got photos of this but it was at the Savile Hotel, Brisbane.

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