Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Eagles Reach - NSW (Day 2)

Finally arrived at Eagles Reach a whole 9000 kilometers from Brisbane..... it was quite a long drive up to the top of the mountain and we saw lots of Kangaroos!

We got to the reception where they gave us a glass of Champers and bag with chocolates and a bottle of champers too!... we took the key and off we went to our lodge....

Inside there was our room and also a communal room with a pool table etc..... it overlooked off the mountain, the view was fantastic.. here are some pictures!

Once we had unpacked we went down for dinner, oh and to feed the kangaroos!

Ha ha ha it was great! They are soooooo cute I don't know how people can eat them :(

Well after this we had some food (not kangaroo).. and went back for a game of pool.... ha I just remembered  taking a picture of Sy and then I made him take it again ha ha can you guess why??

Night Night

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