Thursday, November 25, 2010

My 30th Birthday

Well today is my Birthday.... but not just a normal Birthday..... it is my 30th Birthday! Well I started the day feeling old (even though people say that 30 is the new 20's) My lovely Simon made me some yummy breakfast while I opened my cards.....

"Enjoy your very special day
and set this time apart
and know that loving wishes
to you come from my hear

For you deserve a special day
with all your wishes met
and from the heart here's wishing
your happiest Birthday yet"

 Then we headed out in the car, I had no idea where we were going! We got to the City and then Sy stopped and said righto.... this place is going to take care of you all day! Wow, it was amazing!

I had the full day indulgence package! which consisted of..... Botanical Re-surfacing facial
Aqua Salt Glow, Deluxe manicure and pedicure, Executive stress buster massage, Professional make-up, Hair salon Wash and blow dry, Including a delicious lunch yum yum

After we went to Yatala Drive in Movies to watch Due Date and Social Network (both good films)! Here we ate Dagwood Dogs, popcorn yum yum while getting eaten alive by Mozzies ha ha ha but t was all fun xx

What a great day, I feel very special and soooo happy xx

I do love you Simon xxxx

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