Friday, November 26, 2010

My 30th Birthday - Part 2

Before I start, it seems that my camera is a day ahead so please ignore the date stamps as the photo's (except my gifts) were all taken on 26/11/2010.........

This morning I awoke to pancakes yum yum!

Sy will hate me putting this picture up ha ha, but he is doing such a good job how can I resist! And just look at the smile!

After Brekki we headed to my work as Heather had told me I had something to pick up woo hoo...... What a beautiful presents! Thanks!

I got some lovely charms for my bracelet!

A silver clam with gold starfish from Dad, Heather & Michael - THANKS!

A silver charm with a beautiful pearl from Auntie Christine & Uncle Wilfe - THANKS!

I added them straight away! I love the charms as it means my family and friends are always here with me!

After our trip to work, both Sy and I headed down to the Gold Coast with aim for Mount Tambourine, however a last minute decision took us to Harbor Town where we had some lovely Sushi for lunch and did a spot of shopping!

Sy had a plan to take me out for dinner but we must have been in the last minute changing mood as we decided to cook dinner at home (Salmon steak on the BBQ with salad and new potato yum yum), all to be washed down with a bottle of Moet Champaign.......

This was followed by a game of Scrabble ha ha (yes Sy won, but I was not far behind).... I demand a re-match!!!

Again what a wonderful day and night! I could get used to this tee hee xx

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